Meeting Details NOT Included in the Meeting Notes by CCMC and Board
What a relief that management sent out meeting notes within 48 hours of the meeting – impressive! Yet, so many details ($91,000 dry well proposal approved on the spot, no questions asked, homeowners concerns ignored) conveniently left off…WHY? Here is what was sent out as the official meeting recap from management, cleaned and sanitized for your consumption:

Now...Here is what really happened
The Board Meeting took place at the Power Ranch Carriage House on March 25, 2024 at 6:30 pm. The meeting was approximately 2 hrs and 48 mins long.
There were around 35-40 homeowners who were in attendance.
- Ken Starks (newly elected)
- Michael Stone (newly elected)
- Matt Dominy (replaced Joe Papapietro)
- Becky Cholewka
- Crystal Glaim (newly nominated, replaced Lisa Rich)
- Jennifer Rotta (newly elected)
- Josh Pleasant
Becky Cholewka (who had not yet been named President at this point) started the meeting and directed homeowners to sign in if they wanted to speak. She thanked everyone for coming and said that the meeting would begin with Homeowners’ Forum where homeowners can address the Board with concerns.
Homeowner Terry – indicated that he is Canadian and lives in Power Ranch 5 months out of the year, purchased his home in 2008. Terry said that he has observed a change in the quality of the community. In particular, he said he noticed what appears to be “favoritism” in terms of certain areas are better maintained by the Association than others. He wanted to know what is being done to maintain standards through the community. He would like to see it get back to the way it used to be. Terry also mentioned that he attended the Annual Meeting and was concerned because it was “disturbing.”
Becky Cholewka said “ok, thank you! And next we have Maggie…”
Homeowner Maggie – wanted to address two matters: 1) the issue of gophers, and 2) the landscaping. Maggie mentioned that she resides in the Oaks, which is located next to a greenbelt. She explained that the greenbelt and areas without grass are particularly affected by gophers. She also indicated that she has brought photos and marked maps to show the locations of the gopher holes. Despite no recent activity since December, she anticipates that the gophers will return, as they usually do at this time of year. Maggie has been a resident of Power Ranch since 2010 and recalls no gopher issues back then. She requests that she and her neighbors be informed about the scheduled pest control visits in their area. This way, they can have the opportunity to negotiate pricing for treating their yards when the common area is treated, thus preventing the gophers from spreading into their yards.
Homeowner Christine – lives in Knolls and next to Josh Pleasant. Christine’s concerns were 1.) gopher issues, 2.) new landscapers blowing leaves into gutters and nut trees dropping a lot of leaves which are not getting cleaned up properly, 3.) U-haul parked for weeks, 4.) multiple lights out. She has spoken to Jennifer Partridge about lights and nothing has been done. Christine was on the Knolls Committee several years ago and she proposed getting a solar heater for the pools but Gary Whetchel was “not interested” in it at the time but she would like to revisit the discussion as all 3 pools are not heated currently. The green space next to her house has not been watered for the past 3 weeks. She has reached out to Irene Sousa and “never got an answer back.”
Homeowner Kristi – lives in the Villages and has had gopher issues. She has had trouble getting the pest control company to address the issue. While she did thank the management team for addressing the issue that week, it was due to several other homeowners contacting the management office before the issue was addressed.
Homeowner William – Mentioned he did not know who the current pest control company is but he is experiencing a major scorpion and black widows issue. He has killed over 32 black widows in common area. William wanted request a new pest control company.
Becky thanked them and called the meeting to order.
Board Session
Becky began by saying the first order of business is Board Organization.
Josh Pleasant immediately jumped in by reading, “Okay…I move to appoint the executive team, Becky for President, myself, Joshua Pleasant for Vice President, Matt for Treasurer, and Crystal for Secretary.”
Becky: “Do I have a second?”
(Matt, Crystal, Josh seconded)
Becky: “Board discussion?”
Ken Starks appeared surprised by the motion inquired by asking: “Can you repeat the motion and positions?”
(Josh repeated.)
Becky: “Does anyone in the audience have anything to say about the specific motion on the table?”
Homeowner Anh: “I do. How did you guys come up with that decision?”
Becky desparately trying to deflect responded by saying: “Nothing has been decided. I’m going to stop you. Do you have a comment? Let me tell you how this works, when there is a motion on the table, this is not a back and forth discussion. You can say you like this or that.”
Homeowner Anh: “If that is the case, then I do not agree.”
Ken Starks: “I don’t either and I think the way we are speaking to a homeowner is inappropriate to cut her off and this was never discussed amongst the rest of us (Board). There is a reason why Mike and I were elected especially from those who were not pleased with previous Boards and the reason why we received so many votes, and I believe someone who is patient, calm and doesn’t cut off homeowners should be the President.”
Josh Pleasant tried to make a comment. Becky hushed him like a child and reiterated (her) rules to him and he complied by saying, “Okay.”
Becky to the audience with her hands raised: “Does anyone else have any other (ques..) or comments on this particular motion?”
Homeowner Anh: “I would like to elect Mike as the President and Ken as Vice President.”
Homeowner Tamara: “I would like to say yes to Mike as President and Ken as Vice President also.”
Homeowner in the back: “I think the Board needs a really big shake up, people want change and what you’re doing right now is status quo.”
Becky: “Anyone else? I will bring it back to the Board now for Board discussion.”
Ken Starks: “There is a value to bringing in new and old Board members. I agree there needs to be a shake-up. Bringing Mike and I into certain roles would be a value and benefit to this Board and community.”
Becky looking at Josh: “Was there anything you wanted to add?”
Josh: “My motion was to basically what Jenn said, which is based on experience with the Board,… with the Committee level, um, I mean if either of you would like to throw your hat in for Secretary… but I would say Becky for President merely because she has experience at the Board level and myself for Vice President because I did carry over from the last Board just because I am familiar what has gone down over the past year. Matt for Treasurer because Matt has vast experience with the Treasury and then it was either Crystal or Jenn for Secretary; no disrespect, but only because they have served on committees.”
Ken Starks: “I would go back to the current Board, with the lawsuits that are ongoing have put us at risk for $13 million dollars worth of liability coming back our way and we are at a deficit in insurance coverage and the previous Board has not disclosed that to any homeowner, new or existing. We should have really strong ethical concerns here, right? Myself, as a homeowner, I do not want to be the next Val Vista Lakes. So I hear about you about your previous experience but I would strong oppose this motion.”
Becky: “Okay, we have a motion on the floor. All for the motion say “aye?”
(Matt, Josh, Crystal, Jenn, Becky responded.)
Becky: “All opposed?”
(Ken and Mike opposed.)
Becky: “Five to Two, motion carries. Next item on the agenda is Committees and I move to make Matt as Budget and Committee chair, Jenn as Design and Review Committee chair; Myself as Facilities Committee; Crystal as Landscape Committee chair; Josh as Knolls Committee chair; and Ken as Village Committee chair. Do I have a second?”
(Jenn seconded.)

Committee Chair Discussions
Becky: I’ll start by saying the reason why I made this motion is because Matt with the most experience on the board and with budget and finance and DRC experience previous, he is the best of any of us to run that committee; design review committee Jenn has come up from the committee level to the board and we’ve always tried to develop and work committee members up to the board level and then give them responsibility for those committees; facilities committee I have been on previously in my first term years ago and then was just appointed back to it over the last few months. Crystal has been on landscape committee for several years, and worked through the contract with AAA so she’s very knowledgeable with that, and did an excellent job with the committee last year and then again it was between Mike and Ken, there’s always one that doesn’t get one so I figured you would want the one Ken because you were most vocal so I put you down for the Village.”
Ken: “I am not a fan of seniority. That is not the most important and effective way to run an organization in my opinion. I was a Board president for previous HOA’s, Town of Gilbert Boards. From a professional and educational level, design experience and of all of those things, I think my talents and experience are completely being overlooked. While I like the Villages, I do not feel that is where I can be most effective. Design Review needs a lot of help! “
Becky: “I have served on the Board and not received a Committee assignment. We don’t always get the ones we want.”
Ken: “I think what is being missed is that there were 600- 1000 homeowners who voted for change and here we are making decisions based on seniority. I believe Mike and I have talents that are not being utilized. It is an ignorant decision.”
Becky yet again attempting to deflect responded: “So are you calling us ignorant? Is that what you’re saying?”
Ken sounding frustrated said: “I said it was an ignorant decision. To me, if you are going to suggest placing people on Committees it needs to reflect their professional and educational background. Not because of seniority because what has happened in the past is obviously not working.”
(Homeowner Maggie tried to speak but was cut off by Becky).
Jenn Rotta attempts at making a pageant speech says: “Yeah… I know… I can… I think…what I’m hearing is that you are unpleased with even being nominated for a committee, um which is kind of sad, right? um, we’re here to serve everybody, everybody here, um, and love our neighbors and do whatever we can in any capacity so hopefully you see this as a positive. I mean, I think even being nominated to be the committee chair even if not as the DRC, it’s an honor and an opportunity to serve and love of my neighbors, um, in a unique fashion and being on the committee has made a lot of changes over the past few years and I look forward to making even bigger changes and maybe even discussing those changes with the board so it’s not just a private one off meeting but it’s something we all can be a part of.”
(Becky opens up floor for homeowners discussion).
Homeowner in the back: “The budget and finance, I see is one of our biggest problems and so I, nothing against Matt, he seems very nice but I would love to see, I guess we’re talking about old people and new people, I would love to get a fresh perspective on our budget and finance because that is a big problem and we shouldn’t be putting the same people on budget and finance that have been involved with issues in the past.”
Homeowner Luke:“Power Ranch is facing a lot of changes, a lot of problems and when you mention about seniority committees and moving up yet these same people who you are suggesting for these positions are the same people that were there when the issues happened, at this point we need fresh eyes to look at the problem, look at the issues, and maybe administer it in a different fashion but what I am hearing is people who claim to have been on the committees for this long and say they know where the problems are, well it reminds me of what Einstein said, ‘Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.’ All I am saying is that here is an opportunity to look at things from different eyes. Everyone has the same motivation but I am hoping we can consider having different eyes on the issue.”
Homeowner Kristi: “I agree with Ken in that I feel like, and I am going to be honest this is only my 2nd board meeting but I am dedicated to immersing myself in the process so that over time. I do believe that part of the last voting process we had a lot of Board members leave, we had 2 positions where the people left and we put people in that weren’t part of the voting process only because there were vacancies but I do see that we do have the same people in the key leadership positions. To the homeowners, when they say, ‘We want change! We want something new. We want to be able to know and understand what you know and understand.’ I see that as super important to listen to that. I can kind of see the frustration over here because they ran on a ballot of change but we’re not seeing the change.”
Ken added: “The votes were supported by the most homeowners in the history of Power Ranch elections.”
Homeowner Tony: “There’s a few things that I think are important. There’s data, there’s judgement, and then there’s feelings. Data is what is true, facts, what cannot be argued. Judgement is what your opinion is about all of that. And feelings are all those wonderful and fluffy things that are being thrown around the stage tonight. Your sentiments are lovely (referring to Jenn Rotta’s speech) about service and are noble and wonderful but that same kind of thinking that got us into problems around here and that is the problem but I think at least if there are not new members stepping into these roles, there should be some kind of assignment of co-chairs for accountability. As a marketer for 30 years, I see advertisements stating that a company has been in business for 20 years, I think to myself, so what? All that means is that you survived, doing what? Doing a sh*tty job for 20 years? Experience itself is not proof of competence, so there has to be…..I can stand and say I am a man of integrity but if I refuse to allow for someone to check and balance me how can that be proven? I must be open to have people question me and be held accountable. I would love to see some of the new Board members have an opportunity to be co-chairs for accountability.”
Homeowner Maggie: “I would like to say this is the first Board meeting I have been to where I feel as though I have a voice. In all previous meetings I have felt I have been shut out real quick and I have not really enjoyed living here for the past 15 years due to that type of treatment. I would like to ask the Board to have their eyes opened and rethink their preconception about these decisions especially when you have a new member that people have voted in saying this is an area they have some strength in but rather than consider that you go about it reasoning that just because this is the way it has always been done…that needs to stop right then and there. I think the co-chair is a great idea and see how the new board member does then revisit if needed. But this old way of thinking is not working for us as a community.”
Homeowner Terry: “It has been an interesting year, I kind of see this blocking thing develop. I would like to see leveraging of the entire board. I understand for somebody new you might have to sit and wait one year but then next year you can be on the Committees or in the leadership positions, I understand that but in between it would be a total travesty if we wasted the abilities of the new people and their skillsets. I like the idea of a co-chair. And it would make people feel involved. It is also an opportunity to be closer together because what I am seeing already is that we are not going to do that and it would be a shame. My feeling is that you committee members work with the new members. That is what we always did it at our boards and as a result we did not have a lot of in-fighting and we ended up with a lot stronger board.”
Homeowner David: “I have been to several of these and I have talked to a lot of people. The consensus is that this is not what they moved into and if they could afford it, they would move out of here. So I will tell you internally, I get the tenure thing? That’s not always the best approach. To the old board members, you guys need to shake it up. You need to get out of your comfort zone. Go to a committee you’re not familiar with, learn something new. You can’t just stay status quo. People are upset, people want to leave, I am one of them. If I can leave I would. We need serious change!”
Homeowner Christine: “There’s a lot of talk about new and old. Of the committee chairs, who has served on those committees in the past? Who are new to those committees? Is there information on that? Is there new blood on these committees or…?
(When the questions are not pointed or challenging, it appears Becky is okay with answering them and doesn’t deflect to Open Meeting Law…interesting).
Becky: “So we are not a back and forth.. Jenn, how long have you been on DRC?”
Jenn Rotta: “A little over 3 years…but I’ve never chaired.”
Josh: “I’ve only chaired for 1 year in the Knolls.”
Homeowner Christine: “Are you saying you will be on the same committee as you were before?”
Josh: “Correct.”
Crystal: “I have been on landscape committee for 2 years.”
Becky: “I was on facilities in 2019, 2020 and just got put back on in January. Matt?”
Matt: “I was on DRC in 2009, 2010, 2011, and was on the Board 2012…2022 and just now got appointed back on the Board again this year.”
Homeowner Maggie G.: “I hear how long you all have been on the Board but do you have background? I really fell in love with the other homeowner’s idea to use our new members and I don’t understand why you don’t understand so many people voted for change and you can just sit there with your blank faces, and through your body language especially one of you up there smirking and a lot of inappropriateness going on. We have two new members who majority of Power Ranch members want.”
Jenn Rotta appear to be offended, responded: “I was right there, thank you very much. I got the 3rd highest.”
Homeowner Maggie G.: “I didn’t know we were allowed to interrupt and you won by default because another homeowner was left off the ballot but I’d like to finish what I was saying before being interrupted. People voted for change and you are throwing them to the toilet basically because you get all the good jobs because you have been here longer, it feels like kindergarten! They get the toilet cleaning because they are new or because they have a lot of bright, beautiful ideas and they are going to make you work harder. That’s how I feel and would not doubt what majority of homeowners who voted feel as well. I used to come to Board meetings but it became a big clique 18-20 years ago so what is the point? I see an opportunity for change and you need to start listening!”
Homeowner (no name provided), new to Board Meetings: “I don’t really know what’s going on…but I want to say thank you to everyone who showed up today because people who show up is what makes communities work. And I haven’t been attending so I walk in here and don’t know what is going on so that is on me. But from someone who is new, it appears that is a lot going on from what I am hearing and a lot of frustration, at each other. After hearing from the panel and hearing from the new member who says he has experience and wants to fix things…I work with builders and when there is a project that needs help and when somebody shows up that has experience, passion and wants to do it, generally we will put that person on the project and worse case scenario they fail gloriously and they won’t be there anymore but I say let the new members give it a shot but what we have be doing hasn’t appeared to work.”
Mike Stone: “In my career I have had the opportunity to work with the country’s and world’s largest corporations, one of the things that makes them successful at the executive level, they will rotate people…directors and above, they will move people to different departments and it extends their abilities and of course they bring in new blood to fill in some of the roles as well. This is a winning technique and it speaks to the idea that change is a good thing. I appreciate everyone that has come out; I see a lot of familiar faces. I also see a lot of new faces that are attending these meetings now and one thing to remember about the committees is simply the chair. The committee themselves are made up of residents and that’s where everyone else can make an impact so I encourage you and your neighbors to apply.”
Homeowner Dawn: “If you look at the Committee application, it says that you must attend a Committee meeting first and is a requirement before being considered but there have not been any meetings scheduled. “
Jennifer and Irene from CCMC chimed in and said that it is only recommended and not required. Here is the actual document.

Homeowner David: “Regarding the Committee application, my wife has applied in the past and has never heard anything back.”
Ken: “That is common feedback and I have heard that many times as well.”
Josh Pleasant: “This vote is for Committee chairs and they are not the decision makers, okay? And talk about new blood and old blood, I technically have been on the Board for just a year so I am considered new blood. I have been in healthcare and I have run multimillion dollar businesses so I know how to run a corporation and I have only been on the Knolls for one year so I am considered new blood, right? It is the people on committees that make decisions and that is how you make change, that is how you co-chair, you were talking about co-chair, you don’t need a co-chair, you need people that want to serve on a committee that want to make a difference.”
Homeowner Tony: “Well I AM on a committee.”
Josh Pleasant, with a squeally tone due to surprise that who he is addressing is actually already on a committee for the past 3 years: “Well…that’s how you do it!”
Becky: “All in favor of the motion say “Aye””
(Becky, Crystal, Jenn, Matt, Josh responded in favor.)
Becky: “All opposed?”
(Mike and Ken opposed.)
Becky: “Five to Two, Motion carries. “
Motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Seconded. Motion approved.
Management Update
AAA Landscape Update
Stephen, manager from AAA gave 90 days update.
- He stated that they are on a 6 week rotation – Oaks, Orchards, Knolls have been completed.
- Have started pre-emergent treatment. Doing a cocktail of pre and post emergent in granite only right now. Once they have it under control, they will move over to the turf areas.
- Irrigation audit has begun.
- They have “GPS’d” irrigation valves and controllers for the following neighborhoods: Knolls, Grange, Meadowview, Mountainview, Village; currently in the Timbers and Willows.
- Turf evaulation will be fully completed for entire community in 6 more weeks.
Lifestyle Update
- Jenn Rotta asked how many people attended the Easter Egg hunt.
- Jenn Partridge said she knew there were 200 online registrations.
- 70 in-person registrations/wristbands on the day of.
Committee Updates
- Budget / Finance: Matt Dominy had nothing to report
- Design Review: Jenn Rotta said that she had nothing to report
- Facilities: Becky said they are waiting on a few pieces of information to come in before they can schedule the next meeting which should be about 30 days out.
- Knolls: Josh said they are going to wait to have a meeting until they fill the committee seats.
- Landscape: Crystal, no report
- Village: Tony Stark said parking signs are being vandalized. Need to figure out a creative way for alternative parking.
New Board Business
Gopher Update
Atomic Pest Control, Jamison was present to provide an update.
- Atomic has been the pest control company for a long time
- Baiting and poisoning has been the method of treatment all this time
- The current method is gassing using carbon monoxide
- Board member, Mike Stone asked if there is a strategy or plan for extermination. Atomic Pest Control said they are playing catch-up and are responding to areas that show the most activity first and admitted they are in reactive mode right now.
- Map and schedule of where Atomic Pest Control is to service:

Tree and Stump Removal
- Jennifer Partridge, CCMC admits that the proposal is due to deferred maintenance. Trees and stumps that were not removed as part of the tree removal by the previous landscaping company is now being requested by the CCMC. Unfortunately, this is something that has to be overseen by CCMC the first time so that the homeowners do not need to incur additional costs.
- Proposal of removal of 48 tree stumps. Note- when a tree is removed, management can negotiate with the vendor to include the stump grinding and it is much more efficient to have it completed at the time the tree is cut down versus getting a second proposal for stump grinding. All tree vendors offer the option to stump grind.
- Mike Stone brought up a concern regarding sissoo tree removal and the lingering roots left behind and potential liability if stumps and roots are not removed properly. Jennifer Partridge (CCMC) responded by saying that that is an insurance issue, not hers.
- Jennifer Partridge also mentioned that they withheld payment to the previous vendor to help cover the cost of this stump removal.
- Homeowner in the audience asked if we should be concerned with the vendor coming after Power Ranch for nonpayment? Jennifer answered by saying “I have spoken with them about it” but refused to provide homeowners with any further details.
- The board approved the proposal.
Drywell Cleanout Proposal
- Town of Gilbert issued a notice to Power Ranch that the drywells are clogged with debris and must be cleaned out. This was the second notice according to CCMC.
- This is a task part of the previous landscape vendor’s scope of work but yet again, due to the lack of oversight by management of the vendor, this was not completed during the time the previous vendor was contracted.
- The proposal was to have only the 93 of 277 drywells in critical status cleaned. The proposal for 93 drywells is $91,000.
- Jennifer Partridge also mentioned that the budget for drywell cleanout has been roughly $16,000 but only $5000 has been spent in prior years. Note- this is indicative that the work is not getting completed and management does not check the vendor nor the budget otherwise a variance would have triggered management to know that it was not completed.
- Therefore instead of paying only $16,000 per year for this work as budgeted and contracted previously, homeowners are now asked to pay $91,000 due to negligence and lack of oversight by management.
- CCMC recommended this expense be taken out of capital improvement because there is $614,000 versus out of reserves. Note – This is a very poor recommendation by CCMC and decision by the Board. Capital improvements funds should never be touched unless it used to actually improve the community. The drywell cleaning is a regular operating and maintenance item and should be an operating expense and at worse, paid through reserves.
- Homeowner Kristi stated that although this is only her 2nd board meeting, she has noticed this is the 3rd time she has documented management requesting additional funds outside of the approved budget to fix something and she is very concerned.
- Homeowner Sally asked if there is a way to request additional time from the Town of Gilbert and budget this expense for the following year. Becky Cholewka said that this will be paid from capital improvements which we have $614k so it shouldn’t be a problem. Sally asked if that would not take away from other capital improvement projects that we will need to use those funds for i.e. the playground equipment at $400k!
- Motion approved
Common Area Party Wall Repair
- Homeowner shared wall with common area. Tree uprooted the wall.
- Management requesting approval to have wall repaired and paid by Association.
- Motion to approve proposal, seconded. Approved by Board.
Swim Team
- Motion to request the swim team to provide a formal request / proposal for Board Review and Approval at the next meeting.
- Seconded and approved by Board.
Memorial Policy
- Motion to have CCMC draft memorial policy surrounding how long, when, where the memorials can be placed.
- Jennifer Rotta suggested that the Board leave it up to “higher authorities” referring to CCMC to determine how to draft the policy. She was corrected by the Board as “higher authority” is the Board in case she did not know.
- Becky Cholewka referenced ribbons around trees and when they should be taken down.
- Mike Stone – what is the impact on maintenance, who is taking them down?
- Ken Starks is concerned that putting restrictions on how long it can be left up would be impeding on homeowners grieving process.
- Homeowner Maggie suggested CCMC send out information and allow homeowners to participate if they choose by placing a ribbon on their own property versus the common areas.
- Motion approved.
Tenant Amenity Rental Rate - Painted Trails
- Motion to deny request by Painted Trails Apartment tenants to rent the Barn at the Member rate versus Nonmember rate.
- After discussions, the Board approved the motion to deny Painted Trails tenants to rent the Barn at the Member rate and tenants must pay nonmember rates.
Board Member Discussions
- Matt Dominy – Communication policy need to be revisited. You can see what the current communication policy is here.
- Mike Stone – Mentioned that his request to discuss the issues with ducks, dumping of ducks, maintenance of the lake, and signage for no ducks dumping was not on the Agenda. Becky Cholewka said she decided to remove it from the agenda (without any other Board member’s knowledge or approval) at the last minute and it will be discussed at the Facilities Meeting.
Get Involved - Next Board Meeting April 22, 2024 @ 6:30 PM - Click Below to Add to Calendar

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board meetings HOA Homeowners Power Ranch Gilbert
Last modified: April 21, 2024
Thank You for these accurate minutes‼️‼️
I can attest they’re accurate because I was at the meeting!
Thank you for the detailed notes. Hoping to make the next meeting
Thank you for keeping us informed!
Thanks for all you do to keep us informed