I’m Ken Starks and I am glad to bring my relevant experience and education to the Power Ranch Homeowners for consideration as one of your Association Board Members! As homeowners, we need eyes that can see clearly, ears that listen with compassion and understanding and mouths the speak respectfully, honestly, and transparently – and this is what I want to do for you on the Power Ranch HOA Board of Directors!
I have enjoyed coming to Gilbert since 2002 and finally moved to Gilbert in 2007. I have loved raising my 3 girls here in Power Ranch since 2014! I have appreciated serving in various ways including 3 years on the Town of Gilbert Public Facilities Municipal Property Corporation. Likewise, I have enjoyed the opportunity to work on various projects with many other Civic, Church and Industry leaders as well as two recent Town Mayors and other state level political leaders.
While I don’t work in the arts every day, they are my passion! With a Bachelor’s in Design from UCLA and graduate work at BYU, I want to help shape the future look and feel of Power Ranch! In order to maintain property values, we need comprehensive plans that allow Power Ranch to age gracefully and beautifully so that it remains an attractive option for families young and old as they choose among competing area neighborhoods. In my opinion, we need immediate help in this area!
My education gave me the ability to see and think outside the box, which has served me well professionally! As a 22 Mortgage Loan Originator – I have fought for homeowners since Day 1!! I knew from the day I started in the mortgage business, that if I used my ability to listen, understand and problem solve, I would be successful!! I have done just that and been honored to help over 2400 families, many families more than once over the years! This has allowed me to rank in the Top 1% of all Loan Originators in the US for over half of the past 22 years!
I am excited and will be honored to bring all my relevant skills to be of service as your representative on the Power Ranch HOA Board of Directors. Likewise, I welcome your thoughts and comments on what you believe power ranch needs and wants – Let’s chat!
I'd love to hear from you!
Let me know what you love and where you would like to see improvements.
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Power Ranch HomeOwners Alliance
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