BASED ON FINANCIALS 1/1/23-10/31/23

If You Are Wondering, So Are Your Neighbors – All In The Numbers!  

Numbers never lie. After a thorough review of the only financial statements received, which include actual figures, here is what we have been able to uncover – including an ongoing litigation where Power Ranch Community Association sued another entity using Association funds which exceeded $144,000+ as of October 2023 – none of this was ever disclosed to homeowners and that our dues are being spent this way.

According to the financials provided by CCMC, the attorney’s legal fees amounted to $144,744.52 from January to October 2023, exceeding the budgeted amount of $24,996.00 for the entire year. Subsequently, we found out that there is an ongoing litigation where the Power Ranch Community Association is suing another entity and using Association funds to cover the litigation expenses.

During the period from 1/1/23 to 10/31/23, CCMC reported making only $12,139.94 from the Social Events. However, a total of $63,177.89 had been spent so far, total budget of $81,999.00 was allocated for the entire year. 

Sponsorships that may potentially offset expenses were only $13,696.00.

According to the financials for period 1/1/23-10/31/23, in addition to the monthly management fee paid to CCMC of $7,160.00 per month, Power Ranch Community Association is currently paying $96,128.00 per month to staff 9 full-time employees hired by CCMC to manage Power Ranch which equates $103,288.00 per month or $1,180,560.00 per year – yes, that is almost $1.2 MILLION per year for CCMC to run our community with zero liability based on the current management agreement between CCMC and the Board in 2022.

We are asking the same question.  As of October 2023, we had paid $51,235.64 for printed Newsletters.  If you noticed, this is also where half of the previous Board of Directors advertised their businesses. Additionally, the newsletter expense was already over-budget by $18,420.64 in  October  2023.

Well, apparently, we did (or should have?). According to the 2019 Meeting Minutes in November, $25,000 was approved to update the MyPowerRanch website so that it provides a “modern” and “user friendly” module – “Mr. (Matt) Dominy made a motion to approve the recommendation to engage Civic Rec and Civic Plus as the website provider. Ms. (Becky) Cholewka seconded, motion carried unanimously.”

We would also appreciate knowing. Based on the financials in October 2023, CCMC spent $39,412.73 on “office supplies” with 2 months remaining. This was over-budget by $23,546.73.


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